Land West of Egley Road, Woking – Community Consultation
Welcome to our website which provides information on Cala Homes and Barchester Healthcare’s emerging proposals for Land West of Egley Road, Woking.
While our public consultation has now finished, you can still view our Virtual Exhibition here.
Cala and Barchester Healthcare are bringing forward new homes and a care home facility on Land West off Egley Road, Woking.
The site has been allocated for development in the recently adopted Site Allocations Development Plan Document thereby establishing the principle of development on the site.
The emerging proposals will deliver a high-quality and well-integrated scheme featuring new open market and affordable homes, a new care home and extensive areas of public open space including play.
As part of our commitment to community engagement, Cala Homes and Barchester Healthcare undertook a public consultation on its emerging proposals for the site from 21 March to 14 April 2022, including an in person event. A webinar was also held in June to provide an update on how the proposals have evolved in response to the feedback received during the initial round of public engagement.
We have now submitted an application to Woking Borough Council, which is available to view at
If you have any questions, or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our information line on 0800 298 7040 or
About Cala
Cala is a five star national housebuilder and leading
provider of high quality new homes across the South of England, the Midlands and Scotland. Cala Homes (Thames) focus on delivering new homes from Surrey to Dorset. Cala are currently delivering 44 new homes with 40% affordable in a landscape led setting in Bagshot, Surrey Heath as well as a large mixed-use development at Bucklers Park in Crowthorne, comprising new homes, community facilities and green infrastructure.
About Barchester Healthcare
Barchester is a UK-wide care provider supporting over 11,000 people at more than 250 locations, providing high quality services offering individualised care and support to adults of all ages. The services range from independent hospitals, residential care and nursing homes to independent and assisted living properties and domiciliary care. They are committed to a person-centred approach, and to care that is based on the highest standards of hospitality, choice, dignity and independence