Access and highways

Access and highways

Proposed highway improvements
Proposed highway improvements

Access into site

A new vehicular access will be created from Egley Road the position of which has been carefully designed to limit impact on existing trees. New north and south pedestrian and cycle links will also be provided to connect to local facilities and amenities.

Off-site improvements

The site has the potential to provide off-site highway improvements which could include the following:

  • Enhancing the bus stop infrastructure including a new bus shelter for the northbound bus stop.
  • Providing a refuge island to the north of the proposed access to provide a safe crossing point across Egley Road.
  • Providing a footway connection from the southern cycle / pedestrian access point to the signal crossing at Hoe Valley School which will also incorporate an informal crossing point.

Car parking provision

The proposal will include on-site car parking spaces for residents, in a mixture of garages, on-plot spaces and on-street parking for visitors.

Care home parking will be provided in accordance with Woking Borough Council’s parking standards. Every dwelling will be provided with an electric vehicle parking facility and cycle parking to encourage sustainable modes of transport.

Transport assessment and travel plan

As part of the application, a Transport Assessment (TA) and Travel Plan (TP) will be prepared and submitted to Woking Borough Council and Surrey County Council (as the highway authority).

The Transport Assessment will report on existing traffic flows in this part of Woking, the anticipated impacts of the proposed development and any mitigation required to offset these impacts. The Travel Plan will provide information on the measures which will be implemented to encourage sustainable travel amongst residents.

The Transport Assessment and Travel Plan will be available for public view as part of the planning application documents.