Development benefits
Development of an allocated housing site in accordance with the adopted Site Allocations Development Plan Development.
A mix of high-quality new homes to meet identified local needs, including affordable and family homes.
The provision of 50% affordable housing in a range of house types and tenure.
Delivery of a new care home to deliver much needed older persons’ accommodation.
Highway improvements including the provision of a new pedestrian refuge crossing point on Egley Road, a footway connection to Hoe Valley School and upgrades to the existing bus stops.
Areas of new public open space for new and existing residents including a children’s play area.
Retention of existing trees and hedgerows together with new landscaping and boundary treatments across the site.
Biodiversity Net Gain and the provision of new ecological features, including new tree planting, bird/bat boxes, & hedgehog friendly fencing.
Sustainable design and construction methods, including timber frame, PV panels and electric vehicle charging points for every new home.
Financial contributions to help fund key local services and infrastructure upgrades.
Local employment opportunities through the provision of a new care home.
Construction jobs and opportunities during the construction phase.