Landscaping, open space and ecology

Landscaping, open space and ecology

The proposed development proposals have sensitively considered existing landscaping, open space and ecological features as well as exploring options to enhance these on site.

Existing tree belts and new planning

The site is surrounded by a network of mature broadleaf tree belts which provide a natural buffer to the site. As part of a landscape-led scheme, existing trees and hedgerows will be retained and will be further enhanced through new tree planting and landscaping.

Community Green Space

A central green space will be at the heart of the scheme, designed to encourage the interaction of residents and provide recreation space that could include a play area, community food growing areas and space for informal meeting.

New homes and the care home will have a positive and active frontage onto the green space encouraging integration and enjoyment. The central space will be connected to wider green infrastructure around the perimeter of the site to maximise the site’s leafy setting and ensure maximise usability and enjoyment for new and existing residents.

The proposed meadow to the south east of the site will provide opportunities for sustainable drainage features.

Green Streets

Tree lines roads will connect the central green space to a ‘green loop’ around the perimeter of the site. The green loop will provide an attractive recreational route and provide the opportunity for a network of small play features (‘play on the way’) contributing to the play provision for the site

Urban wildlife strategy

Cala has created an Urban Wildlife Strategy, a design framework that establishes a biodiversity standard for every new home.

Developed in collaboration with local wildlife groups, the strategy recommends simple and effective interventions, recognising that urban environments can be wildlife rich by incorporating diverse habitat and nesting opportunities into the fabric and outside space of each home. The strategy means every home will have bird nesting features, specialist hedgehog fencing, bat boxes or bat roosting tiles and native tree planting