Our emerging proposals

Our emerging proposals

Our emerging proposals seek to create a high quality residential and care home development, which includes public open space alongside new and retained landscape features. A community green of public open space will be at the heart of the scheme to encourage interaction of residents and provide a recreation space to include play for children.

In summary, the proposals include:

  • 94 new homes, 50% of which will be affordable to meet local housing needs
  • A 62-bed care home delivered and operated by Barchester
  • A new vehicular access from Egley Road, alongside new pedestrian and cycle accesses Highway improvements on Egley Road including upgrades to existing bus stops
  • Car parking provision in line with adopted standards, including garages and EV points
  • A new community green of open space
  • Retention of mature trees and hedges and new planting and ecological enhancements across the site